
Top PMI-ACP Exam Prep Tools

Passed PMP Exam


I'm happy to share that I passed the PMP exam on my first try. I checked a number of blogs and read a lot of published recommendations throughout my prep time. Some were useful, some were not that useful. I decided to post a few tips of my own. Here are my suggestions:
1 - Enroll in a PMP course. Ask around, or check your local PMP chapter, for a credible training provider
2 - Make sure you have the right reading material. I used McGraw-Hill Education PMP Project Management Professional Exam and I'm very happy with my choice. I also used the PMBOK as a reference.
3 - Prepare a study plan - It's amazing how a study plan can help. My initial plan had little to do with its latest versions. Still, the fact that I had plan, helped me to organize my time and prioritize study time over other stuff.

There are other things that helped but these were definitely the most important.


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